The system gain in some cases exceeds the dynamic output range in some cases, either because the bits used to represent the signal changes, or because of the nature of the analog processing. In any event, a dynamic range compression or expansion is needed. In other cases, a signal uses only part of the dynamic range most of the time, but occasionally spikes up to the maximum value.
The sound track for movies has mostly subdued audio followed by occasional dramatically loud scenes. This is done to enhance the dramatic effect. Unfortunately, the sounds systems of many laptops or other portable devices lacks much dynamic range, and the softer sounds that occur during most of the movie are too faint to be heard.
DRC is dynamic range compression (it also can be used for expansion) - allows for dynamic range shifts sometimes needed for signals. It can also serve as a dynamic volume adjust for input, to avoid clipping. The control algorithm monitors the energy level and adjust the gain (or loss) to keep the range of the signal within the desired range. The difficulty is getting the system to adapt fast enough, and sometimes, where acceptable, the signal can be buffered to give the adaption algorithm some look ahead time.
Sometimes if the downstream devices are frequency sensitive, it may help to break up the processing into multiple bands.
The system gain in some cases exceeds the dynamic output range in some cases, either because the bits used to represent the signal changes, or because of the nature of the analog processing. In any event, a dynamic range compression or expansion is needed. In other cases, a signal uses only part of the dynamic range most of the time, but occasionally spikes up to the maximum value.
The sound track for movies has mostly subdued audio followed by occasional dramatically loud scenes. This is done to enhance the dramatic effect. Unfortunately, the sounds systems of many laptops or other portable devices lacks much dynamic range, and the softer sounds that occur during most of the movie are too faint to be heard.
DRC is dynamic range compression (it also can be used for expansion) - allows for dynamic range shifts sometimes needed for signals. It can also serve as a dynamic volume adjust for input, to avoid clipping. The control algorithm monitors the energy level and adjust the gain (or loss) to keep the range of the signal within the desired range. The difficulty is getting the system to adapt fast enough, and sometimes, where acceptable, the signal can be buffered to give the adaption algorithm some look ahead time.
Sometimes if the downstream devices are frequency sensitive, it may help to break up the processing into multiple bands.
DC Removal
DC removal is essentially a low pass filter used to remove the DC component of a signal, these can be very sophisticated multi-zero (in the Z plane) filters. In the simple form, the digital filter emulates a series capacitor, found in so many electronic circuits. It ability to precisely mimic the capacitor depends on a number of factors, including the sample rate.
Why block DC? Because in many cases the DC component carries no information, dissipates energy, and heats up and therefore degrades component performance. In todays high tach and compact speakers, the speaker wire is thinner than ever, and has more windings in a smaller space to improve speaker performance, however this also causes a lot of heat issues, and these are aggravated further by the presence of an unwanted DC component,
DC removal is essentially a low pass filter used to remove the DC component of a signal, these can be very sophisticated multi-zero (in the Z plane) filters. In the simple form, the digital filter emulates a series capacitor, found in so many electronic circuits. It ability to precisely mimic the capacitor depends on a number of factors, including the sample rate.
Why block DC? Because in many cases the DC component carries no information, dissipates energy, and heats up and therefore degrades component performance. In todays high tach and compact speakers, the speaker wire is thinner than ever, and has more windings in a smaller space to improve speaker performance, however this also causes a lot of heat issues, and these are aggravated further by the presence of an unwanted DC component,
Speaker Protection
This is a form of active range compression or variable gain needed by high performance speakers that are subject to heat damage. Often there is some form of feedback indicating the thermal condition of the speaker, and when the temperature is high, the gain is temporarily suppressed. Sometimes only part of the spectrum needs to be adjusted, rather than the entire spectrum. Recommendations should be provided by the speaker manufacturer.
All of these issues are good examples where a DSP consulting service like DSPWidgets.com, LLC can provide a quicker to market more successful implementation.
This is a form of active range compression or variable gain needed by high performance speakers that are subject to heat damage. Often there is some form of feedback indicating the thermal condition of the speaker, and when the temperature is high, the gain is temporarily suppressed. Sometimes only part of the spectrum needs to be adjusted, rather than the entire spectrum. Recommendations should be provided by the speaker manufacturer.
All of these issues are good examples where a DSP consulting service like DSPWidgets.com, LLC can provide a quicker to market more successful implementation.